Love Under Cover (Mia del Socorro) — #buqosteamyreads

Jake and Nicole have been close family friends for many years. He first met her as a shy thirteen-year-old tomboy, saw her through high school, watched over her as she went through the Philippine Military Academy, where he himself graduated, and continued to keep tabs on her through her early years in the Philippine Army. A special undercover mission in the isolated foothills of the Cordilleras will place both of them in grave danger. Will it also bring them to a new frontier in their relationship?

Blast From Two Pasts (Kristel S. Villar)

Fate’s been playing tricks on Cara Nicolas lately. She agrees to go on a blind date with her best friend’s fiancé’s cousin, only to discover that the guy is her first love from high school, Lucas Lobregat. Now that would have been a charming story, except that the date turns out to be one of the worst ever. And they can’t even pretend it never happened, because they’re both suddenly part of the wedding preparations.

Just as she is starting to get to know more about the boy she used to love, Oliver Sta. Maria, an old flame who owes her some closure, surprisingly shows up. With two pasts resurfacing, which will Cara choose to rekindle? Or can she have the chance to choose at all?

Inappropriate Entanglement (D. R. Lee) — #buqosteamyreads

Kaye is the independent and workaholic creative director of an ad agency. She’s been single for five straight years but she still isn’t so keen on joining the dating pool anytime soon. Unfortunately, Matt, a hunky client she needs to please and appease, has other plans.

On their first meeting, he stripped.

With all these #buqosteamyreads I’m reading for the blog tour, it’s totally getting hot in here. *fans self*

Virgin Island Delights (Annamaria Alba) — #buqosteamyreads

For years, Chessa loved only one man, but couldn’t make him love her back. To fill the emptiness, she goes into meaningless relationships until one night, she realizes she couldn’t take any more. Chessa escapes to the beautiful Hundred Islands chain on her own for some soul-searching and a little adventure. What she finds there and who she meets gives her the shock of her life and the hottest adventure, indeed, to last a lifetime.