We all had to read lots of different things in school—some of which we liked, some of which we didn’t. Are there any authors that you’ve grown to love because you were introduced to them in your English Lit class? Or—the contrary. Are there any you hate because you were forced to read them? Did you ever go back to try them again?
Do you read mystery novels? If so, why? Is it the mysteries themselves that appeal to you? The puzzle-solving? The murders? Or why don’t you read them? What about them doesn’t appeal?
Quote for the Day — Teaser Tuesdays — The Scorpio Races
In the dark, in the cold, I am listening for a change in the sound of the ocean. The water is rising, quickly and silently; the tide is coming in, and in an hour, this incomplete cave will be full of sea-water higher than my head.
Maggie Stiefvater, The Scorpio Races, page 32

Manga Mondays — Gin no Saji (Hiromu Arakawa)
Silver Spoon (銀の匙 Gin no Saji) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa, set in the fictional Oezo Agricultural High School in Hokkaido. It depicts the daily life of Yugo Hachiken, a student from Sapporo who, unlike his new classmates, has no intention of following an agricultural career after graduating. Instead, he decided to study there under the misguided notion that he could easily be the top student in the class.
This week, Booking Through Thursdays asks: Do you take breaks while reading a book? Or read it straight through? (And, by breaks, I don’t mean sleeping, eating and going to work; I mean putting it aside for a time while you read something else.) Ideally, I don’t like to take breaks when reading one book, […]