A Pile of Books, among other things

So here it is, my very own book blog. One I’ve been planning since NaNoWriMo 2008, starting off as a writing blog, but things happened and it never came to pass. I’ve transferred my book database from Media Shelf ((A now defunct open-source PHP library script by Jenny Ferenc)) to Shelfari to WordPress (via Now […]

Books Database, almost done

I think I have most of my books already listed. I just need to fix how all of these are displayed as the plugin is tricky with metadatas. But yeah, am good! And I am further reminded that I have yet a lot books to read. orz

Hello world!

Herein will lie all my list of books, and all my rants and raving regarding books (if I have any). So watch your step, it’s still a bit of a mess. Sorry about that.