I just realized I had an error on the post “The Books so Far” post, under Beastly. It should be: “It’s not groundbreaking […]” Already edited the post.

Crawling Out of my Rock

I’ve been brought out of my reading lull when my friends started to do an unofficial book club earlier this month. Unofficial, since it’s just a group of friends with a theme in mind. I think this would really help as friends tend to give you an indirect pressure to pick up a book and […]

The Books so Far

With a bit of prodding from Chris I thought I’d take up her advise and give a short round up of all the 7 books I’ve actually read so far. And since I haven’t been able to write so much about the books I’ve read, I’ll just share one or two thoughts on each. 1. […]

Finding the Time

I finally got a copy of this book locally. But I won’t be able to read it soon. Like most of the books from my yet to be read pile. I’m having a hard time settling in to this new life I lead. And being a self-admitted scatterbrain, I can’t easily focus on any one […]

Three Months in

… and I barely read another book since the last time I posted here. Also, I have lots on draft reviews on books I’ve already read, but can’t bring my self to finish them. Just goes to show how I can’t really write about the books I’ve read. Most especially when I really like them, […]