Excerpt Reveal: The Boyfriend Backtrack (Dawn Lanuza)

The Boyfriend Backtrack blog tour

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the boyfriend backtrack — dawn lanuza
The Boyfriend Backtrack by Dawn Lanuza
October 3, 2014
Kindle edition

If they say that life flashes right before your eyes when you die, do you also get a flashback of your exes when your perfect boyfriend is proposing to you? At least that’s the case for Regina Cortez. There’s her dramatic high school boyfriend, her first college crush, the irresistible heart breaker, and the ever elusive one. By backtracking to her past, will Regina make it to ‘I Do’? Or will she just keep running away?

The Excerpt

“What if we get married,” he blurts out. No, more like, he spat it out.

I lean back on my chair, completely taken aback, “What?”

Kevin pulls his hand away and reaches into his pocket. He fishes out a blue velvet box. I squeeze my eyes shut. That is not what I think that is. This is not happening. Is it really? I open my eyes. Yup, box still in the table. I try to recall if there was a hint of proposal in our earlier conversation but all I could remember was whether or not we’re having Japanese or French tonight. So no, definitely, no.

“I mean, it makes sense, doesn’t it?” He asks me, snapping me back to focus.

I lean back to the table to gauge his reaction. Is he serious? Is he being forced to marry so he can settle back to Sacramento? I find myself looking back down at the box. Kevin begins to talk again but I couldn’t make out a single word.

I bet it’s the wrong ring. Kevin has weird taste in jewelry. As much as he’s got good taste in everything else, the man can’t seem to get it right when it comes to jewelry. Last time, he bought me these earrings that I only wore for a night and never wore again. I do not look good in hoop earrings, never did and never will.

And in the middle of me thinking about where I put those earrings, the most bizarre thing happened. It was more bizarre than the fact that I was thinking about these earrings when my boyfriend just dropped the word marriage into the table.

In movies, they call this bit a ‘montage’: a series of shots edited into a sequence. In my case, it was a series of all the men I’ve dated before I landed in this very table, in a quaint French restaurant, drinking wine from some French villa, staring at a blue velvet box from my boyfriend of three years.

There weren’t many of them, but it was disturbing, still. I mean, Dirk was in it. Dirk, who I’m not even sure I even really liked to begin with. And then there was Thomas, and Josh…

Goodreads link
Purchase link: Amazon

About Dawn Lanuza

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Dawn Lanuza has been imagining and writing love stories since she was a kid. She works for the music industry by day, and writes about meet cutes and snappy comebacks by night. She writes short stories, chick lit and young-adult fiction. She has a degree in Development Communication from the University of the Philippines.

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The Giveaway

Dawn is giving away five (5) e-copies of THE BOYFRIEND BACKTRACK. Open internationally.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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