Excerpt Reveal: The Boyfriend Backtrack (Dawn Lanuza)

Welcome to my stop of The Boyfriend Backtrack blog tour! The Boyfriend Backtrack by Dawn Lanuza October 3, 2014 Kindle edition If they say that life flashes right before your eyes when you die, do you also get a flashback of your exes when your perfect boyfriend is proposing to you? At least that’s the […]

Love in All the Right Places (Chris Mariano, Agay Llanera, Chrissie Peria)

If you’re looking for new chick lit authors, Mina V. Esguerra bundled up 3 #romanceclass novellas. All of them have releases soon, and this is a good time as any to tide the wait and know about them. The bundle is currently at $.99 for 3 novellas, and that’s a really good offer. Hurry since it’s only available for a limited time, and the bundle will be gone. And for more good news, another limited #romanceclass bundle will be released later this month!

Details on the books after the cut.