Love in All the Right Places (Chris Mariano, Agay Llanera, Chrissie Peria)

If you’re looking for new chick lit authors, Mina V. Esguerra bundled up 3 #romanceclass novellas. All of them have releases soon, and this is a good time as any to tide the wait and know about them. The bundle is currently at $.99 for 3 novellas, and that’s a really good offer. Hurry since it’s only available for a limited time, and the bundle will be gone. And for more good news, another limited #romanceclass bundle will be released later this month!

Details on the books after the cut.

“They all go to me, you know,” she says, as she slowly sips from her wineglass. The amber fluid sparkles as it catches the light, like effervescent honey, if there was such a thing. “All the lost things. They go to me.”
Chrissie Peria, The Goddess of Lost Things


Kids These Days: Stories from Luna East Arts Academy

The stories from LUNA EAST ARTS ACADEMY are about love. And also, friends, food, kissing, rumors, mean people, insecurities, birthdays, breakups, making up. We set it in an arts academy because we wanted everyone to have a talent, and know it. Because no one is ordinary, if you know them well enough.