Hot Like This (Chris Mariano, Chrissie Peria, Miles Tan)

Hot Like This by Mariano, Peria, Tan
Hot Like This by Chris Mariano, Chrissie Peria, Miles Tan
June 2014
Kindle edition

[A Summer Short Story]
ma•nang |má•naŋ| noun. origin: Filipino

1. older sister
2. conservative woman
3. Elaine Antonio

Self-proclaimed manang Elaine Antonio is restrained, cautious, and used to taking care of people. Gorgeous Brazilian-Japanese model Luis Inoue is laid-back, impulsive, and totally out of her league. But when they’re thrown together at the same island resort one summer weekend, things unexpectedly heat up.

Elaine knows that once the vacation is over, they’ll be returning to their two very different worlds. Is this destined to be just a summer fling? Or will she finally learn how to take a risk for love?

Hot Like This is a collaborative effort between Chris, Chrissie, and Miles, who each took on different characters and played them out round-robin style. It’s the follow-up story to their holiday collaboration All I Want for Christmas.

My friends have released another collaborative short story, and it’s just in the nick of time catching the tail end of summer. Besides, summer’s just starting in other parts of the world, right? It follows two familiar characters from their first short, All I Want for Christmas—Elaine Antonio and Luis Inoue. It’s longer and hotter than the first one, and ‘funner’.

Get it now while it’s free for a limited time. After that, it’s still a steal for just $.99.

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