Easing Back Into This

After seven years, I’m hoping to get my groove back into reading for pleasure and not just for work or upskilling. And to do so, I am making it easier for me…

2014 Year End Review

It has been a very interesting year reading-wise. With how work ate up most of my life the past year, I only started to have free time after I resigned. “More books!” I shouted in glee, and I was optimistic. I still took it safe, and planned to read 30 books for the year, especially since I started late in the year. Still, my progress was more than I could’ve hoped for.

2012 Reading Challenge update

Despite one book short of reaching the past year’s reading goal, I still got past my initial goal of 32 books. And looking at my reading list, I have gone back to read more shoujo manga and romance titles than I have done in recent memory. Which really isn’t so bad, all things considered. Even […]

Reading Exercises

Seeing my sudden surge in reading speed, I’ve updated my 2012 Reading Challenge target from reading 32 books this year to 50. I do hope I can keep up though, and I do have a monstrous pile of books I still want to read.

The Books so Far

With a bit of prodding from Chris I thought I’d take up her advise and give a short round up of all the 7 books I’ve actually read so far. And since I haven’t been able to write so much about the books I’ve read, I’ll just share one or two thoughts on each. 1. […]