And just when I was getting back into the this, Apple has apparently decided to remove the flipping page animation—or any animation whatsoever—from their Books app on iOS16. I don’t even have that transition included in the article! And here I was hoping to do this for fun.
Easing Back Into This
After seven years, I’m hoping to get my groove back into reading for pleasure and not just for work or upskilling. And to do so, I am making it easier for me…
2014 Year End Review
It has been a very interesting year reading-wise. With how work ate up most of my life the past year, I only started to have free time after I resigned. “More books!” I shouted in glee, and I was optimistic. I still took it safe, and planned to read 30 books for the year, especially since I started late in the year. Still, my progress was more than I could’ve hoped for.
Going Back into the Pile
I dust off the cobwebs and get back into blogging, reading and, most importantly, books.
2012 Reading Challenge update
Despite one book short of reaching the past year’s reading goal, I still got past my initial goal of 32 books. And looking at my reading list, I have gone back to read more shoujo manga and romance titles than I have done in recent memory. Which really isn’t so bad, all things considered. Even […]