Our August-September theme of Travel is over and done with, and I am already finished with The Time Cavern by Todd A. Fonseca ((Almost a month ago, really. Sorry, I’ve been really busy.)) So, what’s the verdict?
When ten-year-old Aaron moved from the big city to the country, he thought it was a boring sleepy town. Then he met Jake, a know-it-all farm girl who said his house was haunted. She claimed an Amish boy disappeared without a trace after hearing the wind call his name. Aaron thought she was just trying to scare him…until the night he heard his own name in the wind.
It was interesting, fast-paced and kept me thinking. Especially what the Time Cavern was exactly. Being a book targetted for 10 year old boys, explaining things I already know was a bit of a drag for me. But hey, I need to remember I am not the target audience. Its strength though lies with it’s approach with the young protagonists, they are believable kids thrust into unusual instances.
I already had a small idea who the Amish are, and what they do, this book just helped me understand more of their religion and way of life. It was done with respect, and did not become preachy.
The tone is casual, and with the perspective of the children. Relatable and believable, hesitant but will still try anything to be able to satisfy his curiosity! Also, the farm kid teaching the new-in-town city kid how to use Google was really funny for me.
I really liked this book, and finding out that this is a start of a series, I’m looking forward for the next one. It may be for kids, but it is interesting enough for kids at heart like me. 🙂
Considering the target audience and the story, I give it a 3 out of 5 stars [?]
Want to see the books my friends did for the theme? Chris made an awesome summary of our discussion.
Thanks again for taking the time to read The Time Cavern and your thoughtful review!