This week, Booking Through Thursdays asks:
Do you take breaks while reading a book? Or read it straight through? (And, by breaks, I don’t mean sleeping, eating and going to work; I mean putting it aside for a time while you read something else.)
Ideally, I don’t like to take breaks when reading one book, but as you can see from my book statistics, I have a lot of books on hold. And am not just talking weeks or months here. Most of the books in my ‘on-hold’ list, I have been on break from reading from for at least 3 years. So looks like I may have to start over in reading them again to have get into the plot lines again.
So yeah, in answer to that question: either willingly or not, I take breaks from reading books. Like right now with books I am supposed to be currently reading.
One book at a time, and a straight sitting, that’s me. Here’s mine.