This week’s Booking Through Thursday asks: Who’s your favorite author that other people are NOT reading? The one you want to evangelize for, the one you would run popularity campaigns for? The author that, so far as you’re concerned, everyone should be reading— but that nobody seems to have heard of. You know, not JK […]
Just when I started my own book blog, something happens and I can’t go splurge on new stuff for the next six months, this includes book buying. I’ve thought that the only way to deal with this is finally reading all the books I have already started but yet to finish, and all the other […]

The Dark Hills Divide (Patrick Carman)
Series: The Land of Elyon (Book #1) Inquisitive twelve-year-old Alexa Daley is spending another summer in the walled town of Bridewell. This year, she is set on solving the mystery of what lies beyond the walls. Legend says the walls were built to keep out an unnamed evil that lurks in the forests and The […]
A Pile of Books, among other things
So here it is, my very own book blog. One I’ve been planning since NaNoWriMo 2008, starting off as a writing blog, but things happened and it never came to pass. I’ve transferred my book database from Media Shelf ((A now defunct open-source PHP library script by Jenny Ferenc)) to Shelfari to WordPress (via Now […]
Books Database, almost done
I think I have most of my books already listed. I just need to fix how all of these are displayed as the plugin is tricky with metadatas. But yeah, am good! And I am further reminded that I have yet a lot books to read. orz