Manga Mondays — Gin no Saji (Hiromu Arakawa)

Silver Spoon (銀の匙 Gin no Saji) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa, set in the fictional Oezo Agricultural High School in Hokkaido. It depicts the daily life of Yugo Hachiken, a student from Sapporo who, unlike his new classmates, has no intention of following an agricultural career after graduating. Instead, he decided to study there under the misguided notion that he could easily be the top student in the class.

Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service #10 (Eiji Otsuka)

The dead don’t walk in Kurosagi – that is, not without a little help… and it’s a shock to the system when the delivery service finds out what’s making their clients rise up! Then, for Numata to take off his sunglasses for anyone, it must be a grave matter… or, more likely, a matter of someone not yet in their grave…