2012 Reading Challenge update

Despite one book short of reaching the past year’s reading goal, I still got past my initial goal of 32 books. And looking at my reading list, I have gone back to read more shoujo manga and romance titles than I have done in recent memory. Which really isn’t so bad, all things considered. Even […]

Why do I even pretend I have a currently reading list, when those are not the ones I read at all?!

One: It’s easier (and faster) for me to read manga.
Two: I’m just too busy
Three: I just want more time to read, and write, and watch my queue

A Weekend Retreat

It has been a long while since I curled up with an actual book and read. A really long while. That’s what I did this weekend—with three books at that. I’m not sure if I’d be able to post reviews for each, but the point of this is: I missed this. I also realized, nothing […]

Finding the Time

I finally got a copy of this book locally. But I won’t be able to read it soon. Like most of the books from my yet to be read pile. I’m having a hard time settling in to this new life I lead. And being a self-admitted scatterbrain, I can’t easily focus on any one […]

Three Months in

… and I barely read another book since the last time I posted here. Also, I have lots on draft reviews on books I’ve already read, but can’t bring my self to finish them. Just goes to show how I can’t really write about the books I’ve read. Most especially when I really like them, […]