I told my self I’d be limiting my self in buying books, but I couldn’t help it when I see ones that I’ve long been looking for. Yes, I haven’t read Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card yet. When all self-respecting sci-fi geeks should have in their development years. Honestly, I haven’t read many books […]
This week, Booking Through Thursdays asks: Do you take breaks while reading a book? Or read it straight through? (And, by breaks, I don’t mean sleeping, eating and going to work; I mean putting it aside for a time while you read something else.) Ideally, I don’t like to take breaks when reading one book, […]

Ikigami (Motoro Mase)
What would you do if you were informed that you only have 24 hours left to live?
I Just Can’t Help My Self
Last night when we went out for a quick nightcap (of fries, onion rings and baked potatoes), we passed by the bookstore with just the thought of looking through books. Despite having such little budget, we came out with new books anyway. When I saw Asimov’s Magic on the shelf, I distinctly remember an old […]

Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service #10 (Eiji Otsuka)
The dead don’t walk in Kurosagi – that is, not without a little help… and it’s a shock to the system when the delivery service finds out what’s making their clients rise up! Then, for Numata to take off his sunglasses for anyone, it must be a grave matter… or, more likely, a matter of someone not yet in their grave…