It was my first time ordering off Book Depository, even if I knew about it for a long while. I never did think of a book with which to buy something off there, so I didn’t really bother. It was only when my friend Chris posted about a promo, and thought that this was a […]
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Reading Exercises
Seeing my sudden surge in reading speed, I’ve updated my 2012 Reading Challenge target from reading 32 books this year to 50. I do hope I can keep up though, and I do have a monstrous pile of books I still want to read.
A Weekend Retreat
It has been a long while since I curled up with an actual book and read. A really long while. That’s what I did this weekend—with three books at that. I’m not sure if I’d be able to post reviews for each, but the point of this is: I missed this. I also realized, nothing […]
October: Scaring You Out of Your Wits
Or just simply freaking you out. October has begun, and so does our new theme for the unofficial book club. We are going for anything horror/paranormal/thriller this time around, and it was in good timing that we recently acquired the Rage of the Fallen by Joseph Delaney. Hopefully, when I have time, I can read […]

Two Kids and A Lot of Time in Their Hands
When ten-year-old Aaron moved from the big city to the country, he thought it was a boring sleepy town. Then he met Jake, a know-it-all farm girl who said his house was haunted. She claimed an Amish boy disappeared without a trace after hearing the wind call his name. Aaron thought she was just trying to scare him…until the night he heard his own name in the wind.